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Patient Bill of Rights

Home 9 Patients & Visitors 9 Patients Guide 9 Patient Bill of Rights

Patient has the right to

Respect and Dignity: The right to considerate and respectful care.

Confidentiality: The right to expect that all patient information will be treated as confidential and secure.

Information: The right to obtain from caregiver’s complete and current information concerning his/her diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in understandable language.

Consent: The right to make decisions about the plan of care prior to and during the course of treatment, and to give or withhold informed consent to any proposed intervention.

Advance Directive: The right to have an advance directive (living will or durable power of attorney for healthcare.

Privacy: The right to every consideration of privacy as it relates to consultation, discussion, treatment and examination.

Safety: The right to receive care in an environment that a reasonable person would consider safe.

Pain Management: The right to appropriate assessment and management of pain.

Medical Record: The right to have timely access to his/her medical record and to have the information interpreted as necessary within the scope of the Hospital’s policy on confidentiality and release of information.

Transfer: The patient has the right to evaluation service, and/or referral as indicated by the urgency of the case. When it is medically appropriate and legally permissible, a patient may be transferred to another facility only after receiving complete information and explanation about the need for alternatives to such a transfer.

Identify: The right to be informed of any relationship among the Hospital, educational institutions, other health care providers or payers that may influence the patient’s treatment of care.

Research: The right to consent or decline to participate in proposed research protocols or experimentation.

Continuity of Care: The right to expect reasonably continuity of care and to be informed of available and realistic patient care options when hospital care is no longer appropriate.

Notification of Family Representative and Physician: The patient has the right to have a family member or representative of his or her choice and his/her own physician notified promptly of his/her admission to the hospital.

Hospital Rules and Regulations: The right to be informed of the applicable administrative policies, practices and structures related to protective services, interpreter services, patient care, treatment and responsibilities, as well as mechanisms for resolving complaints, grievances and conflicts (including access to Landmark Medical Center’s Ethics Committee. For concerns you may contact- 3 Capitol Hill- Providence, RI 02908 – Or call the Rhode Island Department of Health – (401) 222-2566.

Patient is responsible for

Respect and Consideration: The patient is responsible for being considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel.

Provision of Information: The patient has the responsibility to provide, to the best of his/ hers knowledge, accurate and complete information about present medical complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to the patient’s health.

Compliance with Instructions: The patient is responsible for following the treatment plan recommended by the practitioner(s) responsible for care.

Refusal of Treatment: The patient is responsible for his/her actions if the patient refuses treatment or does not follow the practitioner’s instructions.

Transfer of Care: The patient has the right to request the transfer of care to another hospital or another physician. The patient/ family is responsible for initiating and pursuing the process required for a transfer.

Hospital Rules, Regulations, & Charges: The patient is responsible for following hospital rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct and ensuring that financial obligations are fulfilled as promptly as possible.